Sioen sponsors non-profit organisation Never Walk Alone

Sioen is sponsoring €1000 to charity working to break the taboo around grief and give heart to fellow sufferers.

Two fellow sufferers co-found non-profit organisation Never Walk Alone

Isabel and Mieke want to organise two events with their non-profit organisation, which in turn should raise money for two charities: Missing You & Odos.

Last November 2022, a retired Sioen employee received the sad news that her daughter Isabel Steelandt had been widowed young in November 2021. However, Isabel did not sit back and decided to set up a non-profit organisation called Never walk alone together with a fellow sufferer Mieke Everaert. The aim of the non-profit organisation is to break the taboo surrounding mourning and to encourage fellow sufferers.
Isabel and Mieke are organising two events to raise money for charity. First
, they are organising an all-ages
walk on 19 February in Torhout, West Flanders, Belgium. As a second initiative, they are organising a party on 4 March in Sinaai, East Flanders, Belgium. Tickets can be bought for both events. All money raised will be donated to two different charities Missing You and Odos.

Missing You is committed to children, adolescents and young adults facing loss. They organise monthly groups of fellow sufferers per age group as well as it is possible to attend a grief camp in the summer. Isabel and Mieke's children have already found a lot of support from the Missing You organisation.

Odos then commits to parents starting over again. The initiative came about through a female fellow sufferer who lost her husband in 2011. Now she herself wants to help people make a fresh start, both on an administrative and legal level and in terms of grief and loss counselling.

On 11 August 2023, Isabel and Mieke want to walk the death march in Bornem as a sign of their mental struggle. Everyone can show their support in their way by participating in the events. Sioen already showed their support by sponsoring €1000 to the NPO. Sioen will be mentioned as sponsors with logo on the T-shirts they will wear during the walk.

You can follow the whole story here.