Siorom’s CO2-Neutral® label
CO2-neutral® label
CO2logic is specialised in climate and CO2 offsetting projects in developing countries. They have developed a CO2-neutral® label in collaboration with 3rd party Vinçotte, an international independent certification body. The label is based on the internationally recognised PAS2060 standard. The label ‘guarantees that labelled organisations are actively calculating, reducing and compensating their local and global climate impact’.
The CO2Logic approach
CO2logic’s approach consists of 4 steps and completing them leads to their internationally recognised CO2-Neutral® label.
- Calculate
First, the current carbon footprint is assessed and calculated. The calculation helps CO2logic to objectively identify the opportunities and threats related to CO2.
- Reduce
Second, CO2logic accelerates CO2 reductions combined with energy cost savings by supporting companies in organising various reduction activities.
- Offset
Third, the remaining CO2 emissions can be offset by supporting certified climate projects.
- Communicate
Finally, internal and external communication is key for recognition.
The CO2-neutral® label
CO2logic is Sioen’s climate partner and is ‘specialised in climate and CO2 offsetting projects in developing countries’. The company provides tailored solutions to help organisations with different environmental challenges.
They have developed a CO2-neutral® label in collaboration with 3rd party Vinçotte, which is an international independent certification body. The label is based on the internationally recognised PAS2060 standard, the first CO2-neutrality standard. The label ‘guarantees that labelled organisations are actively calculating, reducing and compensating their local and global climate impact’. For more info about our label, click here.