Fedustria membership


We're a member of Fedustria, Belgian federation of textile, wood and furniture. Michèle Sioen used to be president and is still member of the board.


Fedustria provides professional and effective support. It provides information, tailor-made advice and assistance concerning: water, air, waste, packaging, ...

Fedustria is the merger federation of the former Febeltex and Febelhout and represents the companies from the Belgian textile, wood and furniture industry. Together, these sectors realise a turnover of 10.7 billion euros with an employment of approximately 39,218 jobs in 1,965 companies in Belgium. In other words, one of the most important sectors in the Belgian industrial landscape.


Fedustria's mission is to help companies in the textile, wood and furniture industries to develop successfully by safeguarding and strengthening their competitiveness. This is achieved by

  • acting as a representative of these sectors;
  • actively defending the common interests of its member companies;
  • offering a wide range of specialised services;
  • creating a common training and meeting place for its members;
  • by providing accurate and rapid information.