Making people's lives better

An overview of all the CSR-related things we do. They show how a concerted focus on CSR benefit both the company and the communities in which we operate. We believe deeply in this potential of shared value for all our stakeholders, whether they are employees, suppliers, clients, governments, shareholders, partners, local communities, or society as a whole.

Sioen wins ABA greenfeet award

At Sioen, we're committed to recycling, including WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment).

PVC/Solvent waste processing

At our Sioen direct coating sites, we recycle our PVC waste and the solvent we use to clean the tubs.

Paperless Veranneman

Veranneman Technical Textiles now uses tablets instead of paper forms for monitoring data of its looms.

Restpaste reduction project

Thanks to increasing awareness, analysing data and visualising those data, we managed to reduce our amount of residual PVC to a minimum.

Recycling all the way

We recycle as much as possible. We invest in research on recycling composite materials, we recycle PVC residue, solvent, and other raw materials as much as possible, and we are making fabrics from high quality recycled yarns, among others.

Recycling options for coated technical textiles

Our coated technical textiles can easily be repaired and often have second and even third lives. At the end of life, there are several recycling options.

How today's products become tomorrows raw materials

We’re reclaiming raw materials from waste. This offers both environmental and economic benefits. Today’s products become tomorrow’s raw materials.

Green sensibilisation in our company

A project is running at Sioen headquarters to make our people aware of the sustainability initiatives running in the offices and meeting rooms. From things such as light sensors to brewing our own sparkling water, this photo reportage makes it clear.