Synamap membership

By being member of Synamap, we enhance the global partnership for sustainable development by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources as stated in SDG 17.


We're a member of Synamap, Syndicat Général des acteurs du marché de la prévention et la protection, the union of actors in the prevention and protection market.


As an inter-professional organisation founded in 1961, the SYNAMAP brings together companies considered as direct stakeholders in the market of prevention and protection of employees. The union exists to unite manufacturers, distributors, as well as consultancy firms, installers and trainers. The SYNAMAP is a member of the European Safety Federation (ESF), and is a recognised stakeholder and favoured point of contact for the public authorities, national and European institutions, individual and collective protective equipment providers, as well as companies using these protective devices.


The primary vocation of the SYNAMAP is to defend the best interests of its members. The union additionally contributes towards promoting the culture and protection of employees and on a daily basis lobbies public authorities to implement a harmonised economic sector respecting the fundamental principles of legislation in force.
The SYNAMAP coordinates and promotes an economically solid image, as well as being politically responsible and virtuous in the industry in which its members work, via a communication policy and active lobbying.

Its mission is to ensure the defence and representation of its members with French and European institutions and the SYNAMAP participates in technical committee meetings and working groups at the ESC – European Standardisation Committee, as well as the AFNOR.