Valipac membership

By being member of Valipac, we contribute to SDG 17. Encouraging and promoting effective public, public-private and social partnerships, building on the experience and network of partnerships


We're a member of Valipac, the management body for commercial packaging.


Valipac is the approved body for extended producer responsibility applied to commercial packaging.

Valipac formulates a joint response to the extended producer responsibility:

  • They collect information on the quantities of commercial packaging put on the market by customers;
  • They collect information on the quantities of packaging waste collected and recycled by waste collectors;
  • They compare these data in order to calculate the overall recycling rate for all our customers
  • They communicate the globalised data to the Interregional Packaging Commission.


Valipac splits its mission in 4 parts :

  • Being the reliable source of data on commercial waste
  • Encouraging the transition to a circular economy
  • Value and encourage the personal development of their team and their members
  • Develop synergies by cooperating with other EPR organisations (Extended producer responsibility)