Making people's lives better

An overview of all the CSR-related things we do. They show how a concerted focus on CSR benefit both the company and the communities in which we operate. We believe deeply in this potential of shared value for all our stakeholders, whether they are employees, suppliers, clients, governments, shareholders, partners, local communities, or society as a whole.

Human rights and SDGs

Sioen supports Human Rights through SDGs, taking the OHCHR as general guideline in all its operations.

Red Cross Latrines

Sioen and Stichting Waste have developed raised latrines as part of the European ‘Speedkits’ project, which develops emergency response units that provide first aid support to people in risk areas.

ISO 26000:2010

ISO 26000:2010 serves as one of the guidelines in our social responsibility strategy, as attested in the NPR-9026-c1-2012.