Sioen holds the AQAP 2110 certificate, the NATO quality assurance requirements for design, development and production

Sioen is AQAP 2110 certified
Our company Sioen Ballistics OY is AQAP 2110 certified. These are the NATO quality assurance requirements for design, Development and Production. AQAP-2110:2016 includes the (applicable) requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and additional requirements which, if applied appropriately, provide confidence in a supplier organisation’s capability to deliver products that comply with MOD and/or NATO organisations contract requirements.
Why AQAP 2110?
AQAP is the abbreviation of “Allied Quality Assurance Publications”, a set of standards for quality assurance systems that have been developed by NATO.
The AQAP 2110 define Quality Assurance standards for the acquisition of defence matériel (land/sea/air). Compliance with AQAP 2110 is an important requirement when we want to bid in tenders of the MOD in some countries or for NATO contracts.
In many countries, the MOD's policy of “Appropriate Certification” in preferring to do business with suppliers that have a certified Business Management System.
In this respect ISO 9001:2015 certification is ‘a must’ combined with conformity with AQAP-2110 as additional requirements.
What is AQAP 2110?
The core concepts of the ISO 9001 -based management system (which are embedded in the AQAPs) is the process approach of the P D-C-A cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) and risk-based thinking.
Further AQAP-specific requirements relate to products & certificate of conformity, a quality plan, identification and traceability, configuration management, customer communications, dependability, performance evaluation, customer satisfaction, internal audit, management review, nonconformity and corrective action.
Finally, reporting directly to top management is mandatory to obtain the AQAP 2110 certificate. For matters related to quality, a direct liaison with the head of the Quality department is equally required.
Sioen produces ballistic and stab proof protective products that have a “Life Saving Design” to increase security and safety.
For some countries and for NATO contracts, AQAP 2110 is mandatory.
Sioen can boast a large number of certificates and compliances. You can find an extensive list and detailed standard information on this CSR website.