Sioen signs Green Deal
Green deal
As one of the first companies in Flanders, Belgium, Sioen signed the Green Deal, an agreement between the Government and our company to realise green projects together. We’re enthusiastic about this Green deal because its right up our alley in turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities.
What is the Green Deal?
A Green Deal is a voluntary agreement between (private) partners and the Flemish government to start a green project together. It pursues environmental objectives that go hand in hand with increased competitiveness and good business management. The agreement contains a clear division of roles, a description of the expected results, the related actions and the time schedule.
The Green Deal is an effort commitment, where all parties agree to undertake to do what is within their power to realise the project.
Sioen Green Deal realisations
Sioen signed the Green Deal of the Flemish Environment Department. As a result of this choice, we have been redesigning the gardens around our headquarters. This includes planting more native climate-adaptive species, adding wildflower meadows and GreenTecStyle® living walls, among others.
At Sioen, we put great effort in biodiversity. Diversity tout court. Our people, with a myriad of nationalities, gender, convictions and believes, produce a multitude of products for a very wide range of applications. You name it, we have it. And by it, we mean textile solutions tailored to your requirements; Whether they are yarns, fibers, woven or nonwoven fabrics, coated or uncoated and even professional protective clothing, pigment pastes and inks.
With this principle in mind, it is not surprising that we also strive for diversity on and around our industrial buildings and areas. Where we can, we create green zones, we plant trees and wild gardens in hidden corners and even install small ponds to attract insects and wildlife.
We even sow a flower mixture that bees, butterflies and other insects love. Although small and with only local effect, this initiative is very important if you kow that more than 75% of the flower plants is pollinated by bees and that about 70% of everything that ends up on our plate depends directly (fruit, vegetables, oils, ...) or indirectly (feed plants for cattle) on that pollination.