Sioen production plants audited according to Amfori BSCI.

By being audited according to Amfori BSCI, our customers are reassured that the social performance in our supply chain is up to standard. This contributes, among other things, to achieving the goals set in SDG 3, 8, 11 and 17 of the UN Social Development Goals.

Highest score on Amfori BSCI audit

In addition to signing the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct that commits us to respecting human rights, external companies audit our production sites according to the performance areas set by Amfori BSCI. Further in the supply chain, we request our suppliers to also:

  • Sign the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct and Terms of Implementation
  • Embed the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct in their business operations
  • Be audited eventually
  • Take necessary actions to ensure continuous improvement and address possible human rights violations.

13 performance areas of Amfori BSCI

Amfori BSCI audits are designed to assess a producer against the values and principles of the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which are translated into thirteen interconnected Performance Areas (PAs):

  1. Social Management System and Cascade Effect
  2. Workers Involvement and Protection
  3. The Rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
  4. No Discrimination
  5. Fair Remuneration
  6. Decent Working Hours
  7. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
  8. No Child Labour
  9. Special Protection for Young Workers
  10. No Precarious Employment
  11. No Bonded Labour
  12. Protection of the Environments
  13. Ethical Business Behaviour

On-site audits

At Sioen, SGS, an independent auditor, performs on-site audits according to the performance areas set by Amfori BSCI. This helps us to capture our social performance. This does not include social performance verification of next-tier producers, such as subcontractors or suppliers.

Amfori BSCI full audits assess all thirteen interconnected areas. They take place every two years, although follow-up audits are conducted in-between cycles and focus only on those performance areas that need new evidence of progress.

The overall rating of an Amfori BSCI audit reflects the extent to which Sioen has integrated the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct into our daily business culture and operations. It’s based on the combination of ratings across the 13 Performance Areas. ‘A’ being the highest rating (Very Good) and ‘E’ the lowest (unacceptable).

Production site in Romania: 'A' rating

Our production site in Romania, where we produce professional protective garments, scored an A. Which is “Very Good”. This implies that minimum seven performance areas are rated A and none rated C or lower. Scoring an A means that we have a very good level of maturity that allows us to maintain a continuous improvement process without a professional follow-up audit.

International conventions

The extract from the Amfori BSCI Reference list summarises which international conventions the BSCI requirements are based on (all of which are also included in Annex A of ISO 26000):

  • The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948);
  • The International Labour Organisation’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (1977);
  • The Global Compact (2000);
  • The UN Guidelines for Business and Human Rights (2011)
  • And the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2011)

They all define the most accepted frameworks for responsible business enterprises. (source)

SGS, auditing company

The company that audits our factories on the Amfori BSCI performance areas is SGS. SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. They are recognised as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 89000 employees, they operate a network of more than 2600 offices and laboratories around the world.

They ensure that products and services comply with global standards and local regulations, in casu Amfori BSCI performance areas. Combining global coverage with local knowledge, unrivalled experience and expertise in virtually every industry, SGS covers the entire supply chain from raw materials to final consumption.

Additionally, they enable us to demonstrate that our products and processes are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations or customer-defined standards, through certification.

Sioen membership

Apart from the audits by external experts as explained above, we’re also a member of the Amfori BSCI sustainable community.

Membership of Amfori BSCI helps us achieve our goal of being a sustainable producer, monitoring our supply chain and transforming insights into actions. You can read all about our membership and the reasons why we adhere in the membership article .