Sioen’s Code of Conduct – our collective responsibility

We aim to provide the best working conditions possible and to protect our people in their working environment. With our Sioen Code of Conduct, we strive to realise SDG 8 and indirectly contribute to realising all the UN Sustainable development Goals.

Sioen Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct provides guidelines on how all Sioen employees worldwide should act. It is mandatory to keep to this Code. It informs our employees of how they are supposed to behave towards colleagues, external partners, clients, etc. In addition, it also includes a chapter on compliance with legislation.

Why we have a Code of Conduct

According to Cambridge Dictionary a code of conduct is a “set of rules about how to behave and do business with other people”.

Obviously, a code of conduct is a set of internal guidelines, standards and behavioural expectations for the employees to follow, but it also serves as an external statement of our corporate values and commitments. In addition, it also provides our clients, partners and suppliers a transparent view on our values and principles.

Having a code of conduct helps new employees to get acquainted with our behavioural expectations. It improves the working situation for employees and promotes our business values, as it shows our ethics and compliance with legislation.

Our mission and values

Our Sioen mission statement:

Sioen is the world market leader in technical textiles and technical apparel, protecting people and their belongings.

Our vision:

To shape the future of technical textiles

Our values:

At Sioen we are:

  • Passionate
  • Integer and ethical
  • World citizens
  • Respectful for people and the environment
  • Accountable
  • Entrepreneurial and innovative
  • Creating value

The basic principle

The basic principle of our Sioen Code of Conduct is the following:

In the performance of our duties and responsibilities, we must all act honestly, objectively and diligently. No one shall take part in any illegal or improper activity. Any dishonest or illegal practice that undermines the integrity of Sioen and its stakeholders, shall be subject to disciplinary actions.

Our Code of Conduct

Our Sioen Code of Conduct includes the following chapters:

  • Introduction/ Message from the CEO
  • Our mission and values
  • Basic principle
  • A. Personal conduct
  • B. Compliance with legislation
  • C. Implementation of the Code

Have a look at our Sioen Code of Conduct in the Downloads section.

Link with the Sustainable Development Goals

We strive to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, as is stated in SDG 8. Especially target 8.8 (“Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment”) is being realised.

The Code of Conduct informs Sioen employees that it is mandatory to follow these guidelines and that we should not discriminate any employee of other persons based on age, race, nationality, social or ethnic descent, gender, physical disability, sexual preference, religion, political preference or union membership. In addition, forms of harassment, intimidation, violence or forced labour and child labour are not tolerated. By fighting all forms of dishonest or illegal practice that undermines the integrity of Sioen and its stakeholders, we aim to provide decent work for all of our employees and partners.