Official credentials show our qualifications, achievements and qualities in the fields of CSR

Under this focal point, you'll find the certificates, memberships, guidelines, compliances and awards of our company. They show that we walk the talk and that we're committed to sustainability and to continuous improvement on all levels.

Sioen walks the talk

It’s our ambition to provide our customers and other stakeholders with verified insights in the field of CSR and show them that our actions set us apart. Don’t just take our word for it, look at our actions that are validated by expert sustainability assessments and translated in multiple worldwide standards, awards and memberships. We focus on audits, ISO and other certification with regard to sustainability, implementing guidelines, and being a member of all relevant associations and organisations that can help us grow further as a leading sustainable producer and manufacturer.

Audits and standards

We’re set on being certified by international organisations through standards that offer guidance, coordination, simplification and unification of criteria. This type of international recognition offers guarantees to our customers and other stakeholders about quality, social responsibility and the way we’re organised.


We’re set on being a member of professional associations that help us to integrate social and environmental compliance at the heart of our global supply chain. These memberships offer us continuous learning opportunities and the ability to stay up-to-date on changes within our sector.

Follow our progress

We’re set on communicating about the CSR topics that matter to our stakeholders. Therefore, we needed to understand the key social and environmental issues that concern our stakeholders and share those concerns. This website is a WIP (Work In Progress) in telling our stakeholders what we do in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, which targets we set and how this will be achieved.

Sustainable development goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.