Making people's lives better

An overview of all the CSR-related things we do. They show how a concerted focus on CSR benefit both the company and the communities in which we operate. We believe deeply in this potential of shared value for all our stakeholders, whether they are employees, suppliers, clients, governments, shareholders, partners, local communities, or society as a whole.

Human rights and SDGs

Sioen supports Human Rights through SDGs, taking the OHCHR as general guideline in all its operations.

COVID-19 products

Sioen products save lives during COVID-19 pandemic.

Producing garments for firefighters

We're producing technical garments for firefighters. Each day, over 200 000 firefighters are protected by Sioen Firefighter suits.

Donating mouth masks to all Valstagna citizens

We've donated filters to all citizens of Valstagna (home town of our production plant Manifattura Fontana) during the first weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020 when the mortality rate in Italy peaked and availability of protection was scant.

ISO 45001

Sioen Apparel plant in Myanmar is ISO 45001 certified, Siorom plant in Romania soon to follow.

ISO 9001:2015

Sioen is ISO 9001 certified, a QMS that demonstrates our ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer requirements.

ISO/TR 30406 guideline

Sioen follows the ISO/TR 30406 guiding principles for developing and implementing sustainable employability policies.

Ctif Membership

Sioen is member of CTif, the International association of fire and rescue services. The goal is to have safer citizens through skilled firefighters.

Supporting Yuca

At Sioen, supporting youth is an integral part of the vision and mission of the company. Yuca, Youth for Change and Action encourages our youth to work together towards a sustainable and just society. Every year we employ some student volunteers.

ISO 26000:2010

ISO 26000:2010 serves as one of the guidelines in our social responsibility strategy, as attested in the NPR-9026-c1-2012.

Superior working conditions

We offer superior working conditions in all our plants. We're proud of our plants and of the people who work here. Together, we lift Sioen higher.

Orphanage Myanmar

A fundraising at Sioen Myanmar amongst its employees in favour of a local orphanage. The Sioen company also contributed to the fundraising with an additional donation.

Constructive relationship with labour associations

Sioen HRM have a good relationship with labour unions in creating an environment of harmony. Resulting in profitability as well as in employee welfare. Labour associations in all our plants represent the interests of workers in the workplace.

Climbing for MS

We support our Belgian client "Partner" financially in their action "Climbing 4 MS" where 2 people with MS are climbing the highest mountain in Austria. Our sponsoring made this possible.

Modern slavery statement

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. This statement sets out the actions that we have taken.