Sioen apparel uses ISO 9004 for self-assessment for sustained success

Sioen apparel follows ISO 9004 guidelines
ISO 9004 is an umbrella term that refers to a standard developed and published by the International Organisation for Standardisation. This standard is not to be used for certifying an organisation but rather serves as a guide to support the achievement of sustained success by a quality management approach. Sioen apparel uses the ISO 9004 tool for self-assessment for sustainable success of general management and of operational management.
Sioen self-assessment score
ISO 9004 Managing for the sustained success of an organisation - An approach based on quality management, is a 'guideline' and not a standard for which one can get a 'certificate'.
For ISO 9004 we carried out a self-assessment according to Annex A 'Self-assessment tool' of the ISO9004:2018 guidelines on 2 levels:
- key elements according to Annex A.1 by Sioen NV General Management
- detailed elements according to Annexes A.2 to A.7 by the Departmental Management
We use the same grading system as in academic education where grades of honour are used: cum laude ≥ 68% - magma cum laude ≥ 77% - summa cum laude ≥ 85%). With a 4 on 5 score (80%), we’re positioned between magma and summa cum laude.
Evaluate, act, report
These results are discussed at the 6-monthly Management Review Board. In addition, the list of corrective and preventive actions to be taken, are discussed in the monthly Management Meetings of the different departments.

ISO 9004 attaches great importance to communication with stakeholders and interested parties. At Sioen, we’re communicating as transparently as we possibly can with all our stakeholders, on dedicated platforms:
- : Focus on HR. Here, people can find out what it is like working for Sioen and all vacancies can be found on this website.
- : Focus on CSR. Here you’ll find everything that Sioen’s doing in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility. Stakeholders can approach our CSR actions through 1. The traditional triple bottom line (People, Planet, Profit) 2. The 17 SDGs 3. Selected topics and 4. Through certificates.
- dedicated brand websites that are product oriented: Focus on products. Here, our customers can find any information on the product they wish to purchase.
In addition to the dedicated subsites, we’re also publishing:
- Annual report
- CSR manifesto
- CSR presentation
- Sioen news
- Sioen Social media