Forming, strengthening and maintaining good relationships with all our stakeholders is the key to success

Stakeholder engagement
We have regular exchange of information between our company and our stakeholders. For each type of stakeholders, we know who they are, what their goals, motives, needs and attitudes are. All good relationships are built on trust. Hence, we’re very transparent, communicating about any relevant topic. In addition, what way say and what we do is translated into certificates and memberships.
Knowing our stakeholders
Our stakeholder have a vested interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by our business' operations and products. They are:
Customers - We provide our customers with high quality products and services at competitive prices. We have to meet our customers’ demands to win and maintain their trust. We’re mapping out their customer journey and establishing buyer personas per brand.
End users - We protect and equip our end users with high quality products. Even though we do not sell directly to them, we engage with them to know their need, goals, motives and attitudes.
Employees - We offer our employees an attractive, safe and healthy working environment where there is room for personal development, creativity, responsibility and career opportunities.
Investors and analysts - We protect their investment and every year provide them with an acceptable return.
Suppliers and contractors - We build partnerships and mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and contractors through transparent dialogues.
R&D partners and Suppliers - We aim to engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas with universities, professional associations and think tanks, in order to design tomorrow’s products. The dialogue we have with our R&D partners is a crucial part of our innovation plan.
Industry associations, Governments, NGO’s: We want to contribute positively to solving governmental and industry issues, and we are therefore member of 36 associations.
Local communities/ Society - Sioen companies work in a wide variety of changing social, political and economic environments. We aim to do business by respecting laws, supporting human rights, respecting the environment and by creating additional employment.
Creating meaningful relationships
It’s important to know our stakeholders and establish what their goals, motives, needs and attitudes are. We’re communicating constantly, in many different ways.
- Daily direct contacts on all levels
- Interviews (both formal and informal)
- Social listening (tool Agorapulse)
- Feedback forms (e.g. after events, fairs, webinars, …)
- Websites – with clear info, FAQ’s and Call to Actions to contact us
- Dedicated brand websites about the products (we hold more than 20 brands, each with their specific type of products. An overview).
- Dedicated jobs website about vacancies and our HR policy
- This dedicated CSR website
- Dedicated R&D website (to be launched end of December 2021), today, R&D information lives on the corporate website.
- Webinars – we organise and attend
- Social media channels:
- Corporate level: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram
- Per brand (most brands have their own social media channel)
Mapping the topics
Our stakeholders indicate that topics such as climate, reusable energy, waste reduction and energy efficiency, amongst others, are important to them. They want to know our policy regarding human rights, corruption, education and training and other human relations related topics.

Validated by externals
Sioen walks the talk and that’s also translated into many certificates, engagements, compliances and awards.
- Certificates to build trust
- Memberships to engage on all levels
- Awards that warm the heart