Making people's lives better

An overview of all the CSR-related things we do. They show how a concerted focus on CSR benefit both the company and the communities in which we operate. We believe deeply in this potential of shared value for all our stakeholders, whether they are employees, suppliers, clients, governments, shareholders, partners, local communities, or society as a whole.

ESG report

We're publishing a dedicated ESG report that includes information on Environmental, Social and Governance topics organised in 5 reporting pillars.

UN Global Compact

Sioen formalises its commitment to sustainability through memberships of the United Nations Global Compact and the subscription of the 10 Principles.

All our suppliers

Sioen asks for similar efforts in the field of CSR from its suppliers. Standards, certificates and memberships act as guarantees for sustainable business. We’re putting lots of effort into obtaining them and ask the same from our suppliers.

The Shift membership

Sioen Apparel is a member of The Shift. Together we want to realise the transition towards a more sustainable society and economy.

Stakeholder communication

Thanks to transparent communications and certificates, we build a relationship of trust with our stakeholders.

GRI reporting

Sioen abandoned GRI reporting and replaced it with contextual reporting about CSR actions in detail.

FEB membership

Thanks to being an FEB member, we get new insights and it helps create and maintain an optimal business environment.

IVK membership

We are an active member of IVK, pursuing the interests in the raw material PVC and its substitutes.

Essenscia membership

We're a member of Essenscia, the Federation of Belgian Chemical and Life science industries

Creamoda membership

We're a member of Creamoda, the Belgian Fashion Federation.

ESF membership

We're a member of ESF, the European Safety Federation.

Allianz für Klima und Entwicklung membership

We're a member of Allianz für Klima und Entwicklung, the German alliance for Climate and Development with our brand Dimension Polyant.

Centexbel membership

We're a member of Centexbel, the scientific and technical research centre of the Belgian textile industry.

DBSV membership

We're a member of DBSV, Deutscher Boots- und Schiffsbauer Verband, the German Boat and Shipbuilders Association with our brand Dimension Polyant.

EAGM membership

We're a member of EAGM, the European Association of Geosynthetics Manufacturers. Orwig Speltdoorn, is board member.

European Commission of Standardisation - CEN TC162

We're a member of CEN TC162 acting as Belgian Expert, involved in WG5 for Chainsaw Protective Clothing, elaboration of the new EN ISO 11393 Standard.

European Commission of Standardisation - CEN TC189

We're a member of CEN TC 189 and Francesco Fontana is head of the Italian delegation and Delegate of CEN TC189 within the Circular Economy Target Group of SABE.

European Commission of Standardisation - ISO TC221

We're a member of ISO TC221 and Francesco Fontana is a member of the technical committee.

Febelsafe membership

We're a member of Febelsafe, the Belgian federation of manufacturers, distributors, service providers and the professional end-users for safety and well-being.

Fedustria membership

We're a member of Fedustria, Belgian federation of textile, wood and furniture. Michèle Sioen has been president and is still member of the board.

GEIST membership

We're a member of GEIST, Groupement des Entreprises Industrielles du Secteur Textile in France it brings together linen hire companies & workwear manufacturers.